Google Products can be used without having to create a Google account. For E.g. You can search on Google, watch videos on YouTube without signing in to a Google account. However, if you want to get in to the sharing arena and interact with … [Continue reading] about How to create a Google Account without a Gmail address
How To Block Ads (in your blog) From Specific Websites – Google AdSense Trick
Blocking certain ads from displaying on your website will not only help in avoiding those ads on your website, but will also ultimately help in increasing your income. The reason is that not all ads are interest based. Some ads show up as back up … [Continue reading] about How To Block Ads (in your blog) From Specific Websites – Google AdSense Trick
How to keep the paragraph settings as default in Microsoft Word 2007
When typing in a word document you may notice that by default the line spacing is either 1.5 lines or 2 which is quite irritating while editing a normal, personal word document - nothing official. When we navigate to the Home > Paragraph … [Continue reading] about How to keep the paragraph settings as default in Microsoft Word 2007
Facebook Keyboard Shortcuts – Most Essential Cheat Sheet For Facebook Addicts
Facebook as a sharing platform has accomplished its goal. No doubt. Its niche is constantly evolving with new updates from every corner of the world. Overnight, any individual over 13 years of age and any business can create a tiny website for … [Continue reading] about Facebook Keyboard Shortcuts – Most Essential Cheat Sheet For Facebook Addicts
Access Keys – Keyboard Shortcuts for Facebook Users with Disabilities
Facebook, since its founding on February 4, 2004 has grown to an extent even its founder has not dreamed of when it was started. Today any person can create their own Facebook profile for free, only catch being aged 13 or more.Since Facebook has … [Continue reading] about Access Keys – Keyboard Shortcuts for Facebook Users with Disabilities