Sometimes, your hosting account will change the servers from one to another – mostly to upgrade or better the existing state of affairs – this could potentially affect your website if you have any CDN setup.
In my case, most of my sites just showed Error 522: Connection Timed Out error (A 522 error means, your CDN was unable to reach the origin web server at all. ). That’s really bad. However, the good news is that you will almost always, get a notification if that happens from your hosting company so you can immediately update your IP address with your CDN account.
Here’s what you do:
- Go to your hosting service provider’s CPanel.
- Manage domains > DNS settings > see what’s the IP address given for your ‘A’ record. This is your new IP Address. You will have to copy this.
- If you have CloudFlare or any other CDN setup, then you will have to manually change the IP address in your CDN account. (In fact, this is the very reason why your site crashed.)
- Go to your CDN account, change the IP address taken from above. Update the ‘A’ record, www record or wherever you see your old IP address.
You could now wait for few minutes (30 minutes usually) or optionally you could flush (refresh) the DNS in your hosting account to speed things up – remember to delete your browser cache too.