Does your screen look something like this?
This does cause eye strain 1, isn’t it?!
Then you will have to do a quick tweak to ‘Smooth out the edges of fonts‘. That’s the cause of this blurred view.
You can do a tiny ‘check-the-box’ setting to set this alright and change screen view…
To make this setting change, we have both, a long route and a short route 2. Let’s see both.
Here’s how (Long route):
1. Right click on Computer icon
2. Select Properties (the last item in the context menu)
[Control Panel > System and Security > System] window opens up
3. On the left side, select Advanced system settings
4. Under Advanced tab, select Settings within the Performance group
5. Select the check box which reads ‘Smooth edges of screen fonts‘.
Click OK twice.
The changes would have now taken effect.
Short(est) route: Keyboard users will love this, especially who like using Keyboard Shortcuts extensively
1. Hit Win + R to open Run Command
2. Type in systempropertiesperformance
3. Select the check box which reads ‘Smooth edges of screen fonts‘.
Another way to check for your screen font view settings is by seeing if you have activated ClearType text (Windows 7). Here’s how.
Go to Control Panel > Display > Adjust ClearType text
Click on Adjust ClearType text and ensure the checkbox is selected – Turn on ClearType
This will walk you through to select your comfortable text view settings in four different ways. Choose any of these and click on Next.
At the end, you will have modified and customized the ClearType text technology to suit your eyes.
That’s all it is to change the setting and make your screen look better. Hope this helped! Please leave your comments if you have any question or general feedback to enhance UX that you may have.
Footnote # 1 . at least for some people. And I am in that ‘some’.
Footnote # 2. for the keyboard shortcut lovers.